
William F. Albright

William F. Albright

May 24, 1891 – September 19, 1971

Archaeologist and Biblical Scholar, widely known for his role in the authentication of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948 From Coquimbo, Chile
Served in Baltimore, Maryland and Jerusalem, Israel
Affiliation: Methodist

"There is only one way out of the apparent impasse: we must return again to the Bible and draw new strength from the sources of Judeo-Christian faith. Like John the Baptist and Jesus, who turned back to the Prophets of Israel for inspiration, and like the great Reformers, who sought guidance from the Word of God, so must we reconstruct our religious thought on Biblical foundations. To all who believe in the eternal value of the Old and New Testaments, it is clear that God has been preparing the way for a revival of basic Christianity through enlightened faith in His Word."